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Bits and pieces

This page was last updated on 30 August, 2015.


In Hebrew, plurals of masculine nouns end with ‘im’.

Eloah – singular god  Elohim – plural gods
El – singular god  Elim – plural gods

So technically speaking Elohim/Elim, is plural; but context often shows it should be read as singular.

Like the word ‘sheep’ it’s the context that determines the word is singular or plural.

2000+ times Elohim means the singular Yahweh.

Ha-elohim means the-elohim. Meaning the best/highest/supreme/king/etc God of all other gods. A rank.

Beney means “son of”
Beney Elohim  Sons of gods or sons of God. To be determined by context.
Beney Elim  Sons of gods or sons of God. To be determined by context.
Beney ha-elohim  Sons of the-God. In theory it can also point to sons of group of a higher class of gods; but I think it’s never used as such in the Bible.

Proper names never have the ‘ha’ prefix.

ha-elohim isn’t a name but a rank or title.  Most high God.

ha-satan isn’t a name but a rank or title.  Most high accuser.